Honestly, affirmations work. The subconscious brain acknowledges whatever you send it. If you keep telling yourself negative stuff, that's what you're going to get. If you affirm positive messages, things start turning around. It's been proven in my
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Most people understand the function of our inspirational glass stones. It's not that they "do" anything, their purpose it to make people aware of their message. What you give your attention to is what you get. That's the Law of Attraction. When you h
Read MoreWe recently learned about a practice of wedding guests signing stones instead of a guest book. The bridge and groom can keep the stones in a pretty bowl and treasure them forever. You probably already knew about this. I'm a little out of the loo
Read MoreA Timeless Source of Strength and Peace God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,Courage to change the things I can,And the wisdom to know the difference.My mother taught me the Serenity Prayer when I was about fourteen yea
Read MoreWeddings are just as much about families as they are about romance. Our new wedding stones were created with an intention to celebrate the family. The assortment of 24 contains four each of the following six words or phrases on our exquisite Sea
Read MoreHere's some things that people really believed in the past, and maybe some still do:Having your picture taken steals your soul.That smoking is good for your digestion.If you swallow gum, it will take seven years to digest.That it's OK to pay wome
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